


    Sault Ste. Marie Canal - Recreational Lock Procedures


1. Approaching the Lock

Please obey posted speed limits. Excessive wake can erode the shoreline, damage docked boats and injure employees operating the lock. Keep the channel near the lock gates clear to allow boats departing or entering a safe and easy passage.

Contact the lockmaster for Dispatch for Lockage. The radio call sign for the recreational lock at the Sault Ste. Marie Canal National Historic Site is: VDX 23, Canadian Canal on Channel 14.

Vessels not equipped with marine radios should be brought to the Blue Zone, located above and below the lock (this is a temporary holding area for boats waiting to lock through). Wait for a green light and open lock gate before proceeding.

Traffic light signal:


RED - Wait

FLASHING RED - Lock is being prepared

GREEN - Proceed into the lock

2. Entering the Lock
It is very important to remember that during the entire locking through process, boats are under the direction of lock operations staff, so please observe their hand signals or verbal commands.

Enter Lock on Green Light Only!  Tour boats or commercial vessels enter first, followed by pleasure craft.

After the lock gates are fully open and departing vessels are clear, the lockmaster will direct you to enter the lock. Approach the lock chamber cautiously and follow the instructions of staff. Be aware of wind speed, wind direction and possible cross currents. Concentrate on coming in straight and under control, using reverse gear to slow the boat down. Should your vessel get too close to the lock wall, use a boat hook to push yourself off. Never use your hands or feet to fend a moving boat off a lock wall. Your crew (adults if possible) should be posted at the bow and stern of your boat, with mooring lines free of knots and ready to use.

As you approach the north lock wall, have your crew members ready to loop their vessel lines around the black drop cables.  Do not tie mooring lines to the cables, rather loop lines around the cables.

3. Inside the Lock Chamber
Once you have safely positioned your vessel inside the lock chamber, and looped the bow and stern lines around the black drop cables, follow these steps:

  • Turn off all ignition switches (engine, generators, etc.). Don't restart or idle your engine during lockage.
  • Turn off all open-flame appliances, including pilot lights, gas-powered generators and barbecues.
  • Do not smoke above or below vessel deck.
  • Leave the bilge blower on throughout the lockage procedures.

Tend your lines carefully during the lockage. Never leave your bow or stern lines unattended. If you experience turbulence, looping a line around a deck cleat may give you extra leverage.

4. Exiting the Lock
When the lock operation is complete and the lock gates are fully open, the lockmaster will direct you to start your engine. Check to make sure bow and stern lines are back on your boat and please exit slowly. Remember to watch out for winds, currents and other boats. No wake is allowed in the canal so proceed slowly until you clear the pier walls.
Exit Lock on Green Light Only!  Pleasure crafts exit first, followed by tour boats or commercial vessels.

American vessels locking through and returning to U.S. waters without landing in Canada are not obliged to clear Canadian Customs of Immigration.




Facility Notes

Chart (U.S.) 14884


  • Mid May - Mid Oct.
  • Hours: Variable

VHF 14

  • Call sign: "VDX 23, Canadian Canal"
  • Max. draft: 3 metres (9.8 ft)
  • Max. lenth:77 metres (254 ft)

Call lockmaster
